Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

Seducing Girls On The Dance Floor


by Derek Vitalio


A lot of guys ask me how to pick up girls off the dance floor. I’m not the best looking guy, so I don’t get very far when I just walk up to girls and start dancing with them. Walking up cold to a girl whose dancing gives her all the power to accept you or reject you based on your looks alone. So instead, I chat up girls first and then bring them to the dance floor to seduce them. This works even better when you play girls off one another, as I’ll show you in this story that recently happened to me.

The story begins when I ended up at a ritzy hotel for happy hour. I immediately locked eyes with a light skinned brunette in a two-set sitting across the room. I looked at her, smiled, and she smiled back. I made my way toward her while she giggled to her friend and continued to keep her eyes on me.

“Hi… I’m Derek," I said.

“I’m Veronica.”

Her friend, a blonde, immediately jumped in and said, “My friend here thinks you’re cute."

I laughed and said, "So why didn’t she tell me herself. I don’t bite.”

“Well, she’s just really shy.”

Veronica, the brunette, turned red with embarrassment. I talked a little fluff with them and on a high note I told them that, "I have to say hello to a few friends of mine," and excused myself. Although I didn’t know anyone there, I wanted to establish my popularity in front on them. I wanted them to see me engage other girls in the room in order to demonstrate sexual value to them. Not to mention, I wanted to see what other action was going on in the place.

So I made my rounds, saying hello to new people, making sure I was within the girls’ view. Eventually I meandered over to the dance floor and started chatting up this busty blonde when out of nowhere appeared Veronica and her friend, dancing right in front of me. Veronica smiled to me and mouthed the word, “Hi.” With the attention of the blonde, Veronica, and her friend all focused on me, I grabbed the blonde and started dancing with her. She went with it because I’d demonstrated value to her through Veronica and her friend’s attention.

Here’s my dancing trick that I typically use. After a few minutes of dancing, I took the blonde’s hands and squeezed them. Then I slowly moved my hands up the length of her arms, slowly to the *insides* of her elbows (a hot spot on a woman), up her biceps, and finally to her shoulders. Then I moved my hands slowly back down the length of her arms back to her hands. This got the blonde hot and she started dancing closer to me.

Playing the girls off one another, I guess I had pushed Veronica’s “jealousy button” because she “accidentally” bumped into me. “Don’t worry about it,” I shouted. “My friend here and I were just talking about how good you dance.” That seemed to create a lot of sexual tension. I had this blonde’s hips in my hands and Veronica to my back. Veronica then bumped into me “accidentally” again and lightly grinded me from the back while the blonde grinded me from the front. Pimpin!

I turned my back on the blonde and started dancing with Veronica. I ran the exact same move on her – I ran my hands along the length of her arms up her shoulders and then back to her hands. I got no resistance, so a few minutes later I did it again, but this time I didn’t stop at her shoulders. I moved my hands along her shoulders, up her neck, and cupped the back of her neck with my hands as I moved my head closer to hers, to a natural kissing position. Within moments we were doing the tongue lock.

Needless to say I had another problem that night; the blonde was jealous ;)

Want to learn how to pick up girls with ease in any situation? Check out Seduction Science for my complete system of picking up girls. If you want to find out more about Seduction Science, visit It's all there!


Derek Vitalio