Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

Why Does Making a Woman Smile Feel so Good?


by Derek Vitalio


Why are having social relationships with women the #1 factor in what makes us happy?

It’s in our programming.

For millions of years we roamed around in small bands of ten to fifty persons.

Imagine if you were rejected from your group- you’d be left out on your own to find your own food and shelter by yourself. It would mean almost certain death.

Likewise, feeling rejection or shame in front of a group can feel almost worse than death… because in the past, it could mean just that.

We’re all programmed to pass our genes onto the next generation of offspring. Anyone who didn’t (like maybe Mr. Caveman felt that playing cards all day was more important than having sex), didn’t have kids and their genetic legacy is no longer here today. So everyone alive on the planet today is the result of millions of generations being weeded out for the one purpose of having sex and children.

So through millions of years of fine tuning, our brain instinctively tells us that anything that moves us AWAY from that goal of surviving and having children, causes us pain – not getting enough food to eat, falling off a cliff, getting your toes eaten by a bear, or being rejected by a woman.

Anything that moves us TOWARD the goal of having sex and children – like having our physical needs met, having a relaxing massage, or eating a large meal - causes us to feel pleasure.

Our brains are like a specialized computer designed solely to maximize our reproductive success by giving us signals of pleasure or pain.

And in this way, belonging to a group, having friends, and having strong social ties gives us pleasure, because our brain believes it means our survival. Experiencing strong bonds with others tells our brains we’re not alone in the world and that we have a support network to fall back on in hard times.

So we’re conditioned to reap enormous joy from seeing smiling faces, hearing friendly voices, talking to attractive people, and deepening relationships.

Having sex is a great source of joy too- after all, millions of years of evolutionary pressure has conditioned us men to have as much sex as possible.

So just like eating a pizza sends pleasure signals to the brain, seeing a woman smile, having sex, or having a confidant all contribute greatly to our happiness due to the hard-wiring of our brains.

So you’re not going to find happiness alone in your room, waiting for some miracle to magically happen.

You’re not going to find happiness losing yourself in empty distractions like television, internet, and games.

The only way you’re going to find happiness is if you DO something that MOVES you toward your brain’s hard-wired need for success with women.

That’s why I recommend the Deep Inner Game program.Deep Inner Game

It’s the only one of its kind that actually transforms you from the inside out to be a real MAN.

After all, for the most part women are BORED and UNHAPPY with their choices in men.

Become the kind of man that women chase after and you’ll have not a few more women to choose from, but the entire pool.

And that transformation can start right here. Deep Inner Game

Derek Vitalio