Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

LTRs (Long Term Relationships)


by The Player


Personal Space

You need to give your girl space, let her do whatever she wants and have the attitude like you don't really care what it is. You may feel the need to fall into the mind state of wanting to always keep your girl around you so that you don't have to worry about her getting hit on while your not there, or even worse her cheating on you... but in reality if she is the type of girl that cheats then you don't want to be a LTR with her anyway, so her cheating on you is a good thing because it let's you know she's not worthy and allows you to end the relationship before you get in too deep.

Also, if you allow your girl to do what she wants then there is always the possibility that she might cheat... but if you keep her on lock down then in the end she will almost surely cheat when she gets the chance, because by doing that you are displaying insecure, needy traits and when a real alpha male comes along she will jump at the chance to get with him.

Here is how AFCs and Alphas think about this differently : When an AFC's girl is out with her friends he thinks "What is she doing? Is she getting hit on by other guys? Is she having fun without me?"... his mind is constantly on HER. When an Alpha's girl goes out he thinks "Nice! Now I'M free to go have some fun as well"... his mind is on HIM.

However, even though you should allow your girl to do as she wishes, DO NOT let her do it at your expense. Meaning that when she goes out alone do not let her take YOUR car and spend YOUR money... if she wants to go off on her own then it should be just that, on her OWN. Being successful in a LTR is all about maintaining your alpha status and not letting her turn you into a nice guy, and a part of that is not letting her take advantage of you by using your stuff for things that do not involve you. Girls always say that they want a nice guy, but what they really want is a bad boy that they can turn into a nice guy. Don't let it happen to you, because as soon as it does you WILL lose her.

Gift Giving

NEVER buy random gifts for your girl, this is a urban myth that most men follow simply because they think that in order to keep their girl they need to grab the occasional dozen roses on the way over to her place. Women will say "Awww your so sweet" but they are really thinking that you are a push-over and that they've got you whipped and primed to be taken advantage of. They will then proceed to milk you for everything that you'll dish out until some confident guy comes along ready to treat them like shit, then they'll leave you for him.

Even on holidays where gift giving is mandatory, you shouldn't make an extreme effort to please her. That means don't go all out buying her 15 different little things and then one expensive big ticket item, buy her one small thing and be done with it. The best method for these situations it to make her gift something that you can benefit from as well, for example I like to take my girl to concerts, theme parks, comedy shows, or small vacations for her birthday... so I can have some fun too.

In The Bedroom

If you want to keep any decent girl for a long period of time you will need to be at least fairly skilled at laying the pipe. Many men get ditched or cheated on by their girlfriends because of their inability to satisfy them in the sack, so don't let yourself be added to that list. Training yourself to be good at sex is a great skill to have for not only LTRs but for general dating as well, because when you are dating random women and not looking for a LTR being a great lover will guarantee that you will get return sex often and also help you maintain your booty calls for as long as you wish.

During a long term relationships is the BEST time for you to practice your sexual techniques, because both you and your partner will be totally comfortable with each other and will have a greater level of sexual communication than you would with a stranger or a girl you only have sex with occasionally. I recommend getting in as much "practice" as you can :) You should also experiment as much as possible with your LTR lover and try as many freaky things as possible, this also adds spice to your sex life and helps to keep the relationship healthy. Roleplaying and video taping also spices up your bedroom antics and adds a fun element as well.

If you need some good tips on becoming better at sex you should read my "How To Make A Girl Orgasm" article.

The LTR Alpha Male

Want to know the absolute BEST trick to maintaining your alphaness while in a LTR? Do exactly the opposite of what normal LTR guys do. Stare at other women while your girl is next to you, you can even make comments. Almost every day I'll be with my girl and I'll make comments on other women, whether negative or positive "Look, she's got a nice ass", "She's got a nice body but the face is ugly", "Wow that chick's got a pretty face". Don't be scared to say stuff like that. If you've got some hefty balls you can even talk to some other babes in front of your girl, a little jealousy is good for a relationship and it keeps you in total control.

In every relationship there is one dominant person and one submissive, if not then the relationship will never work. Two dominants don't mix because they will clash much too often, and two submissives won't mix because they both will feel a constant need to be dominated that is not being fulfilled. In order to be a LTR alpha you NEED to be the dominant person in your relationship. You do this by making sure that : when the two of you go out it is always to where YOU choose, when you take her to the movies you see the action or horror flick instead of the chick flick, when you have sex it is when YOU want it not just when she'll "let you", the list goes on. The bottom line is : It's your rules, your way, your the man and she knows it.

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Good luck!

The Player