Threesome Pickup Artist by Suzy Bauer

The # 1 Barrier to Your Success With Women


by Brian Caniglia


I really like it when people are honest and direct with me so I’m going to treat you how I like to be treated... honestly and directly. I’m not going to pat your back and tell you that you are doing fine if I don’t think you are and I won’t kiss your butt just so you will like me.

If I see that you have a problem or that you are doing something wrong I will tell you about it... like any good friend would... so that you can improve that area of your life.

In today’s email I’m going to reveal to you the “mysterious secret” to being successful with women that most men are searching for to catapult their “game” to new heights.

If you will do what I tell you then you WILL be successful with women because you will be doing something that 99% of other men simply WON’T do – and doing what others won’t do will put you at a MASSIVE advantage over the competition.

You know that girl that you have had your eye on for a long time but you never pursued? The one that you think about every night before you go to bed?

Why haven’t you approached her yet?

No, seriously, answer my question... why haven’t you made your move yet?

What complex excuse have you made for yourself? How have you justified your failure to act? What ridiculous lie are you trying to live? What fear are you allowing to control your destiny?

There is absolutely no good reason for you to NOT approach her. You may think it’s a good reason but – I’m telling you – it’s all BS.

Here’s the secret to opening up a world of immediate, never-ending success w/ women for yourself:


If you can do then you will be light years ahead of all the other guys reading this email who are just going to hit the delete button so that they can continue letting fear, doubt, and lies control their lives – stopping them from ever being truly successful with women.


Go approach that girl that you are always thinking about – NOW – and be the guy that grabs life by the freaking lapels and DEMANDS what he wants... because eventually he WILL get whatever he desires simply because he acted while everyone else was busy making excuses.

Once you have mastered ACTION then it's time to start fine tuning your game for incredible success.

If you want to learn the subtleties of how to meet, date, and attract women then visit my site and find out about my book:

... you'll be GLAD you did.

Brian Caniglia
Author of The DateSTACKER Program

P.S. Remember, women want to respect you - don't make it hard for them!